alcohol counsellor CBT
alcohol counsellor CBT

Cognitive-Behavioural Theory or CBT as it’s known in short is in the present time frame. Here the listener helps the speaker to resolve negative or unhelpful reactions to situations by learning new ways to react. This is the youngest theory of them all and was developed in the 70’ and 80’s. The theory has been developed by integrating behaviour therapy with cognitive therapy.


Cognitive-Behavioural Theory – This theory does not look back at past historic causes but in the present and hence it is not concerned about underlying issues. This can be practiced on groups or individual alike and tends to be most effective on things like anxiety, eating, personality, psychotic disorders and substance abuse. It is also recommended to treat specific mental health issues such as obsessive compulsive disorder, (OCD) plus clinical depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and bulimia nervosa. As an example, this can be most effective or anti-social behaviour with irrational phobias in youngsters where the primary need is to re-learn. With CBT there are many approaches applied.

This will depend on the nature of the problem. The speaker may keep a dairy of their feelings, thoughts, behaviours etc. questioning and testing cognitions, assumptions, evaluations and beliefs that are unhelpful or unrealistic and gradually facing activities which have been avoided and trying new ways of behaving and reacting.


In CBT things like Relaxation, mindfulness and distraction techniques are also used. With CBT as it focuses fully on the problems, there has to be honesty between the speaker and the listener. This will help the listener to develop strategies and structures for managing the problems and enabling the client to get into a better situation in his life. There is the argument that CBT may not have long term effectiveness as it has not addressed or discovered the root causes of the problems.

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